Sparking change to foster a meaningful connection between young people and trusted adults.
Overcoming Adversity
Discover how to live the authentic life of an overcomer. Using personal stories of overcoming painful circumstances, participants will learn to choose joy, to persist and find purpose in their lives, and to bet on themselves every time.
Living with a Drug Addicted Parent
This message will unlock listeners' power to pursue personal growth by exposing and disrupting family dysfunction. Since we can't control how others operate, we must focus on our own health and relational habits. We explore the dynamics of healthy relationships and the steps one can take to improve relationships that have faced conflict or disappointment.
Transitioning from Practicing Law to Nonprofit Founder
We are multifaceted beings possessing several gifts, talents, and aspirations. All of them work in conjunction with our experiences to propel our purpose. But what happens when you longer want to do what you do anymore? Simple, you embrace the power of the pivot! Learn how.
Growing Through Grief
All of us have experienced loss. Sometimes it’s the loss of a loved one, a relationship, a pet, a dream, even a job. Grief comes in waves, sometimes its unassuming other times it’s all consuming and while we must acknowledge and work through the pain, we must also continue to not only live but thrive. Learn how to persist through a season grief.
Fueled By Faith
Utilizing P.U.S.H. (Pray Until Something Happens), learn how faith doesn’t work unless you do.

Vulnerabiltiy,Visibility, Value
Provides strategies for people from all sectors of society who can protect and prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) from happening in the first place and lessen the harmful effects of ACEs that have already occurred. It challenges participants to recognize vulnerabilities in the communities they serve as well as teach them policies that will protect children in all settings.
Sex Trafficking Awareness & Safety 101
Simplifies a very complex issue and equips adults with the tools and knowledge to recognize, respond responsibly, and to believe youth who disclose sexual abuse or exploitation. It details pathways of entry into sex trafficking and best practices to keep children and youth safe.
Internet Safey
We live in a digital age where social media is ever-changing. Learn how predators victimize youth online and ways to keep them safe.
Being a Trusted Adult
Using practical information, resources, tips, and role-playing, participants are empowered to support youth and learn how to confidently help them navigate situations that may arise in life.